We've forgotton what it looks like...

I'm talking about a tulip!

So often you go into a supermarket now and see a tight, small bud, short stem tulip and sadly we now think this is normal for this flower.   ITS NOT!!!! 

We happily support and use the early Lincolnshire tulips before our own crop kicks in and what they produce in their own way is lovely.  However nothing can compare to a tulip grown without heat and without the demand of mass production. 

But it seems we have forgotten what it is like to see tulips that are home grown.  Tulips grown without additional heat will develop large heads, have a strong stems and will open and close when cut and subjected to varying temperatures.  An open tulip does not equal death....   Have we all forgotten how beautiful it is to see the centre of a tulip?  Look at these...

The Garden Gate Flower Company - home grown organic tulips

The Garden Gate Flower Company - home grown organic tulips

These tulips didn't die straight after I snapped them!  If these were to be placed into the cold they would actually close up again just like their friend the Anemone.  These flowers will last easily 7 days with a three day water change and a small snip at the ends of the stems. 

Tulips should appear blousy, luxurious, bend and move to the light - not stand in straight jackets facing the ceiling! 

Enjoy x


The Garden Gate Flower Company - Libretto Parrot cream & pink

The Garden Gate Flower Company - Libretto Parrot cream & pink



The Garden Gate Flower Company - Belle Époque  

The Garden Gate Flower Company - Belle Époque  


The Garden Gate Flower Company - swan wings white

The Garden Gate Flower Company - swan wings white

The Garden Gate Flower Company - tulip patch

The Garden Gate Flower Company - tulip patch

Seasonal tulip bouquet by The Garden Gate Flower Company

Seasonal tulip bouquet by The Garden Gate Flower Company