
note in diary.... The first frost of the season was 24 November 2014.  Not bad really.  Our mild climate down here in Cornwall has resulted in a long growing season and whilst Maz enjoyed the last of what remained in the flower beds I was secretly hoping they would all hurry up and die so I could have some time off!!!! 



I celebrated the first frost by taking Mabel for a walk in the woods.  Remembering my childhood memories of the cruncy leaves (& noting quickly Maz's earlier reminder that dogs pooh in fallen leaves so careful when you kick!) and the glass like crystals of frost clinging to everything.



There is a magical calm when frost is present - I could hear every foot step, leaves dropping to the ground and thundering water running down the river.  



Now with a frost under our belts it feels like we can finally move on with the garden.  Dig up those dahlias, clear out the annual beds, plant the tulips... In having a frost it's given us the permission to remove without feeling bad that another plant may just produce one more flower and we should treasure it!!  

Thank you frost I'm so grateful for your timely appearance...x
